
Booth at Eurocucina 2018, Gaggenau

Booth at Eurocucina 2018, Gaggenau

Sequenced elements of grand architectural statements

As a blueprint for domestic culture, the ‘Gaggenau Home’ was built around an open-plan kitchen, placing the rituals of creating and sharing a meal at center stage. Grand architectural statements were deconstructed to create a space where appreciation of appliances, consideration for the culture of living and contemporary architecture coalesce. 


Finished for Gaggenau in 2018
Role: Concept, Design, Communication Concept, General Contractor
Photos: Bodo Mertoglu

Gaggenau Booth at Eurocucina 2018

Gaggenau Booth at Eurocucina 2018

Gaggenau Partnership

Gaggenau Partnership

Gaggenau Partnership

See Project

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 Los Angeles

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 Los Angeles

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 Los Angeles

See Project

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 New York

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 New York

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 New York

See Project